
Showing posts from January 25, 2004
The Concept of "Wonder", why it makes us human, and why it disappears. It is human to "wonder" and to question one's existence. It sometimes seems, to a secular mind, that life is a game, a test of time, a fallacy of existence. The rocks don't seem to age, but they do. They just follow the geologic timetable, and it is much slower than the timetable we humans keep. I wonder if rocks wonder? Will I ever find out? The "wonderful" answer is yes. We all find out, but we can't discuss it until we do. That's the sad fact of the Universal Mind. It doesn't open until we pass from our "wondering ways" and into that mortal tomb. Only then does our "star stuff" pass into Univesality, and all "wonders" cease. Will wonders never cease? They do, but we are in no earthly rush to kill ourselves and find out. (Well, some of us anyway.) When we pass, the Mind opens. The Mind, that part of us which causes us to wo...
"Can one believe in Muhammad, Christ, or any one diety, and believe in the teachings of another as well? Isn't this blasphemy?" I preach conventional blasphemy. For some terrible reason, our history has always favored one diety over another, depending upon "who's in charge." This is to the detriment of the populace at large, who usually have to worship the current God in Favor. The major prophets were all channelling the godhead. I believe the prophets themselves were blessed. It is the historical unraveling of thier basic tenets which has caused the ultimate rift in mankind. I truly believe that Jesus Christ, upon which the major religion of Christianity is based, Muhammad, upon whom the faith of Islam has it's benchmark, Buddah, or Sri Krsna, and a wealth of other similarly enlightened prophets were endowed with spiritual epiphanies. The Universal Truth is that these tenets, these great teachings, have been bastardized and circumvented thoughout th...
If a Concept is Universal, and includes all forms of religious and spiritual thought, then does it account for extraterrestial life and UFO's? Most certainly if a Universal concept could be grasped, then it would have to contain references which would suppose a belief in UFO's and life on other planets. I believe there is life on other worlds. It seems that the Universal Mind might exist outside the confines of our solar system. I believe by reason of my humanity, I cannot fathom the idea that connects planetary systems through a life connection. And perhaps there have been visitations, experimentation, and abductions? Perhaps. If there are other species of life, then what use is there to characterize them at all. They are, by their very nature, alien to us, and this could mean, as has been predicted in science fiction for ages, either a friendly bond with a Universal purpose, or the end of mankind as we know it. Are they in fact lizards who walk among us? Who am I to say...