"What exactly happens after we die?"
It's a sad fact of life. Everyone dies. We plan for life, and seem so sad to see it end. We celebrate the life of those who are dead, and we bury them with sometimes elaborate ceremonies and pray for their souls. Nobody really knows what happens next. Nobody can say for sure. Many prophets and soothsayers throughout history have attempted, but the fact that no one really knows is why there are so many competing belief systems trumpeting their version of the outcome.
Death is the beginning of the consummate journey. A journey where the "end" is as clear and concise in perception as the beginning, occuring simultaneously with every event in cosmic history. A journey which began in prehistory, and which ends with Universal Knowledge.
It shouldn't be rushed, or sudden when it happens, but sometimes is. It shouldn't be sad, but always is. It shouldn't be thought of as an end, but as a beginning. All mythology contains afterlife stories. There is no "heaven" and "hell" in the Universal. Then does this mean there is no God perched on a golden throne, and there is no St. Peter at the Gates? Perhaps that is true, but pernaps it is not. Perhaps there are Christians and Muslims in the Universal, and there is, along with the "Africans" who weren't "saved by the missionaries" before they died, and perhaps there are aliens too. The one fact of life on which we all must agree is that we die. We "physically" cease to exist. And for as long as mankind has harbored a consciousness he has contemplated this cessation of existence. The capacity of the human mind always seems to be growing to grasp more increasing and difficult concepts. As human mind power grows, so does the "big question". Science and Religion, strange bedfellows for centuries, are simply grasping at straws when attempting to explain what we're all going to learn in time.
And we will learn. We will learn the Great Happiness. We will learn that we don't need to worry about what happens in time. That time is the time of death. The exit of this phase (the Corporeal Plane) and the introduction of one of many threads of Post Existence which will eventually couple all "souls" and "minds" to the Universal Mind is achieved only upon death. In death, the journey to the Universal begins.
Since no one really knows what happens after death, no one has stopped to think that maybe it is the natural progression of life as we know it. Most ideologies teach of a "good place" (i.e. Heaven) and a "bad place" (i.e. Hell) where good and bad souls will "end up". Religions give "points" for following their law and letter, so that the earthly presence believes he has a bank account in good deeds when he dies. No one has the passbook to this account, and the earthly presence will not need cash in the afterlife.
Death is not to be taken too seriously, nor too frivolously. The mere pattern of existence for mankind, in the Current Scenario, is a "lesson" which is "learned". It is not "forgotten" by the Universal Mind, when mankind passes to the Universal Plane. The idea of a Universal Mind, which preaches that there is more in common with all religious thought than the leaders of the various religions would have us believe, must also preach that multiple "trips" to the plane of earthly existence, or the act of "reincarnation" as practiced by the Hindu religion will also probably and most possibly happen to most souls. This explains deja vu, and otherworldly dreams. The Universal Mind sometimes seeps into the earthly existence, and we can telepathically connect with other souls, and other lives, our own and those of separate people.
In the Universal, our "separateness" disappears. We are truly "born again" in a different way. So when we die, our body is put in the ground, or burned, or tossed to sea, or excised into the dark of space. The body is merely the receptacle for the "Earthly Mind" while it is here. It doesn't matter to the "mind" when death occurs. If the "soul" needs to return to Earth, it does, and this might take multiple generations, like copies of lives, until the Universal is attained. I believe some souls are taken "before their time" because they attain enlightenment either "early" or after a short time in a life cycle after serving multiple life cycles already. Once in the realm of the Universal, which is a concept deliberately unknown to man when he occupies Earth (or on what other planet life might be living) the "light at the end of the tunnel is "explained". (That is actually the wrong word, to use, and this will be explained in a future entry.) In an instant, the "purpose of life" is not really "shown", but "experienced" and the "mind" "understands" for possibly the first time, what short "time" "life on Earth" really constituted. Death may be bad for the living, but wait till you get there, and then you will finally understand. And you meet everyone who was there, is here now, and will be here soon. It's a wonderful place.
It's a sad fact of life. Everyone dies. We plan for life, and seem so sad to see it end. We celebrate the life of those who are dead, and we bury them with sometimes elaborate ceremonies and pray for their souls. Nobody really knows what happens next. Nobody can say for sure. Many prophets and soothsayers throughout history have attempted, but the fact that no one really knows is why there are so many competing belief systems trumpeting their version of the outcome.
Death is the beginning of the consummate journey. A journey where the "end" is as clear and concise in perception as the beginning, occuring simultaneously with every event in cosmic history. A journey which began in prehistory, and which ends with Universal Knowledge.
It shouldn't be rushed, or sudden when it happens, but sometimes is. It shouldn't be sad, but always is. It shouldn't be thought of as an end, but as a beginning. All mythology contains afterlife stories. There is no "heaven" and "hell" in the Universal. Then does this mean there is no God perched on a golden throne, and there is no St. Peter at the Gates? Perhaps that is true, but pernaps it is not. Perhaps there are Christians and Muslims in the Universal, and there is, along with the "Africans" who weren't "saved by the missionaries" before they died, and perhaps there are aliens too. The one fact of life on which we all must agree is that we die. We "physically" cease to exist. And for as long as mankind has harbored a consciousness he has contemplated this cessation of existence. The capacity of the human mind always seems to be growing to grasp more increasing and difficult concepts. As human mind power grows, so does the "big question". Science and Religion, strange bedfellows for centuries, are simply grasping at straws when attempting to explain what we're all going to learn in time.
And we will learn. We will learn the Great Happiness. We will learn that we don't need to worry about what happens in time. That time is the time of death. The exit of this phase (the Corporeal Plane) and the introduction of one of many threads of Post Existence which will eventually couple all "souls" and "minds" to the Universal Mind is achieved only upon death. In death, the journey to the Universal begins.
Since no one really knows what happens after death, no one has stopped to think that maybe it is the natural progression of life as we know it. Most ideologies teach of a "good place" (i.e. Heaven) and a "bad place" (i.e. Hell) where good and bad souls will "end up". Religions give "points" for following their law and letter, so that the earthly presence believes he has a bank account in good deeds when he dies. No one has the passbook to this account, and the earthly presence will not need cash in the afterlife.
Death is not to be taken too seriously, nor too frivolously. The mere pattern of existence for mankind, in the Current Scenario, is a "lesson" which is "learned". It is not "forgotten" by the Universal Mind, when mankind passes to the Universal Plane. The idea of a Universal Mind, which preaches that there is more in common with all religious thought than the leaders of the various religions would have us believe, must also preach that multiple "trips" to the plane of earthly existence, or the act of "reincarnation" as practiced by the Hindu religion will also probably and most possibly happen to most souls. This explains deja vu, and otherworldly dreams. The Universal Mind sometimes seeps into the earthly existence, and we can telepathically connect with other souls, and other lives, our own and those of separate people.
In the Universal, our "separateness" disappears. We are truly "born again" in a different way. So when we die, our body is put in the ground, or burned, or tossed to sea, or excised into the dark of space. The body is merely the receptacle for the "Earthly Mind" while it is here. It doesn't matter to the "mind" when death occurs. If the "soul" needs to return to Earth, it does, and this might take multiple generations, like copies of lives, until the Universal is attained. I believe some souls are taken "before their time" because they attain enlightenment either "early" or after a short time in a life cycle after serving multiple life cycles already. Once in the realm of the Universal, which is a concept deliberately unknown to man when he occupies Earth (or on what other planet life might be living) the "light at the end of the tunnel is "explained". (That is actually the wrong word, to use, and this will be explained in a future entry.) In an instant, the "purpose of life" is not really "shown", but "experienced" and the "mind" "understands" for possibly the first time, what short "time" "life on Earth" really constituted. Death may be bad for the living, but wait till you get there, and then you will finally understand. And you meet everyone who was there, is here now, and will be here soon. It's a wonderful place.
when Lacie was just a very small girl she told me very matter of fact -- we all die Mom...when girls get old their hair turns red and they die and when a boy gets old his hair turns white and he dies...it's just what happens.
You seem to know this as well -- how do we as a norm come to grips with this?
Thank you for redirecting me to The Universal Blog. After reading this entry, I found myself sitting on my computer chair at ease with my thoughts. Firstly, I would like to thank you for all your comments on my entries. In all the times I have read your comments, they have always left me a great sense of peace and tranquility, regardless of how fleeting this feeling may be. I thank you for your eloquent words of wisdom, which lingers within me, long after I logoff of Xanga.
Intellectually, I would agree with you, that death is inevitable and that it should be embraced. I've lost many hours of my life trying to control the uncontrollable. Worrying about something that is totally out of my hands. Whether it is a gift or curse, to have the realization of mortality, I do not know.
One can argue that without death, we cannot know the meaning of life (I wish these people laid with me while I count sheep every night). I realize that we do not have eternal life and that the fountain of youth exists only in movies like Indiana Jones-after all, this realization pushes us all to cease the moment or to live life to the fullest because our time on earth is limited.
Emotionally I will have to disagree. We are teased everyday of our lives. Like a parent who gives a child a lollipop and takes it away because of the thought of rotting teeth. Are we given people in our lives to love and then taken away only by tragedy? Is it really better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all?